Fine-Tuning Processes Increases Efficiency and Revenue by 29%

Learn how fine tuning processes helped to enhance efficiencies and increase revenue by 29%.


A university-affiliated practice in the Northwest experienced six years of flat or declining revenue. A cross-functional analysis revealed untapped potential across four dimensions of the practice.


To reverse the decline in revenue, Audigy’s consultants worked to fine-tune the practice’s existing processes among four key areas.


With a more operationally efficient practice, they saw revenue increasing. Within a single year, hearing aid revenue increased by 29%.

Operational effectiveness is a cornerstone for increasing revenue and ensuring long-term growth in any audiology practice. By focusing on creating a culture that supports growth, standardizing operations, and implementing comprehensive marketing and financial plans, this university-affiliated practice significantly enhanced its efficiency and profitability.

These initiatives, such as developing career pathways, optimizing patient care standards, and leveraging data-driven insights, worked together to drive a 29% increase in hearing aid revenue, ultimately leading to a more successful and sustainable practice.

A Guide to Increasing Hearing Aid Revenue

Creating a Culture for Growth

  • Developed career pathways for each team member
  • Bridged the gap between the university’s and practice’s performance metrics
  • Implemented best practices to move patients from diagnosis to treatment

Standardizing Operations for a More Efficient Practice

  • Helped create a standard of care for hearing aid patients
  • Provided a data-driven analysis of the current monthly capacity for hearing aid evaluations
  • Increased the hearing aid evaluation time to optimize the likelihood of a conversion
  • Coached the department head on best practices for reporting

Building and Launching a Comprehensive Marketing Plan

To ensure the practice brings in a consistent flow of the right patients, the Audigy marketing team created a comprehensive marketing plan that included:

  • Creating an annual marketing plan and budget
  • Creating materials branding the practice and supporting the hearing aid leasing program
  • Developing a digital marketing strategy, including paid search and a monthly e-newsletter

Developing a Finance Plan and Budgets for a Profitable Practice

The Audigy team did a complete financial review of the ENT practice to ensure pricing and compensation plans.
• Developed a hearing aid leasing program
• Educated the department on measuring the university’s key performance indicators
• Reviewed the budget and annual planning
• Analyzed the profitability of the current FTEs

Audigy helped the university-affiliated practice enhance operational efficiency, resulting in a 29% increase in hearing aid revenue in a single year.

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