A Print Marketing Tactic with a Cost per Appointment of only $107?

Discover how this practice achieved an amazingly low cost per appointment of $107 with traditional marketing tactics.


Hudson Valley Audiology Center wanted a proven way to increase patient flow and establish his practice as a respected community resource.


With Audigy’s support, he began sending out a print newsletter three times a year to educate patients, position him and his team as trusted advisors, and boost patient loyalty.


His newsletters are regularly featured among our members’ top-performing marketing pieces. His summer 2022 issue ended up with an impressive cost per appointment of $107!
The right side of a male patient's head, wearing audiology evaluation headphones, holding the right side with his hand.

Jeff Shannon, owner of Hudson Valley Audiology was looking for a marketing piece that would encourage patient engagement and generate a consistent source of opportunities. His Audigy Marketing Manager suggested proven print tactic, a patient newsletter, that would help keep his database current and provide consistent outreach.

a team of hearing care professionals gathered for a team picture outdoors, all smiling at the viewer.

Why a Newsletter?

How better to establish yourself as the local hearing care expert that to consistently reach out and provide educational content to your local market? A print newsletter is a simple, affordable, and proven marketing tactic that provides that personal touch no other practice could compete with.

Plus, patients hang on to the newsletter because of the compelling offer, useful tips, and educational content, keeping the practice top of mind and boosting patient loyalty and engagement.

What’s the Secret?

Update your patient database, then keep it current and tidy — the time and energy are well worth it.

Consistency builds trust in your brand and keeps you top of mind. Dr. Shannon has sent out a newsletter every spring, summer, and winter for more than seven years.

Zero in on your ideal audience. Dr. Shannon targets current patients, patients who have technology that’s at least four years old, and tested-not-treated patients.

Consider your audience’s interests. The team at Hudson Valley takes the content-selection process seriously, customizing their newsletter with a special focus on the staff for that crucial human connection.

Comprehensive Approach
The print newsletter is one piece of an overall strategy that includes quality care (naturally), patient-care calls, regular clean and checks, and radio and print ads.

Audigy’s print-newsletter program can keep your practice top of mind, increase patient engagement, and get those appointments booked. Hudson Valley Audiology’s newsletter success speaks for itself with an amazingly low cost per appointment of only $107.

An optimized patient-focused newsletter yielded an impressively low cost per appointment of $107!

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