A woman sitting at a desk meeting with somebody

Increase Patient Flow

Get more leads and prospects with our top-notch marketing strategy and execution, including print and digital marketing, online reputation management, web design, SEO, and more.

Marketing Solutions

Bring more patients in the door and know what campaign or source brought them there.

Three professionals meeting

Increase Inbound Leads

Prospective patients who don’t know about you can’t use your services. Ensure people notice and contact your practice with a little help from us, whether that’s building a complete physician-referral program or driving online traffic to your contact forms.

Plus, you’ll reap the benefits of working with a Google Partner — we’ve been recognized as delivering exceptional results for our members’ paid-search marketing campaigns.

Boost Your Patient Base and Your Brand

Marketing goes far beyond placing print and digital ads. It includes your logo, how the copy on your website makes readers feel, and even those email reminders about warranty expiration.

Our comprehensive marketing support helps you achieve all your clinical, operational, and financial goals; and includes traditional marketing, outreach, branding, website design and SEO, local and paid-search marketing, marketing automation, and social media marketing.

An otoscope and a booklet labelled Listening Lifestyles


Track the health of your business in an easy-to-use online dashboard that pulls together your must-know metrics.

Two women meeting in front of a computer
  • Stay on top of your key performance indicators — metrics showing how close your practice is to reaching key targets.
  • Benchmark historic and industry data to compare practice performance to previous levels and identify opportunities for growth.
  • Identify what’s relevant to your business right now so you can focus your efforts on the best return on investment.
  • Reduce your spreadsheet needs and minimize the time required to enter and track your business data each day.
A person circling a date on the calendar

Discover how Audigy helped a member increase their appointments scheduled by 92%.

We Let Our Members Speak For Us

Get Started Today!

With Audigy’s practice-management solutions, we help ensure you use your time for what matters most.